Is there an age limit to apply?
Participants are typically between the ages of 19-36, but there are no age limits. We accept musicians on the basis of potential and the stage of musical development.
Do I need to speak Italian?
You do not, but the better you speak, the more you will get from your experience. All instruction is conducted in English. Italian language classes are an integral part of the experience.
Will I perform with orchestra?
Yes, all of our operas will be performed with chamber orchestra.
How many casts are there?
Our operas will be triple cast. We place a high value on learning by doing so singers are expected to be actively learning in rehearsals at all times. We coordinate rehearsals to provide singers with as much individual instruction with faculty as possible.
When should I arrive or leave?
Accommodation is available as of the first night listed of the program and check-out is on the last day.
Is my tuition refundable?
All tuition payments are non-refundable. We strongly recommend “cancel for any reason insurance” to protect your investment. Not only can this serve to help should you need to cancel your participation, it can also reimburse your planned travel costs. “Cancel for any reason insurance” providers vary by country of residence, so ask locally for more information.
What is a typical day like at SOA?
To get a complete overview of a day at Saluzzo Opera Academy click here.
What is the accommodation like?
Singers are housed in dormitory style accommodation at the school or nearby. This includes one limited shared kitchen space, so please do plan for primarily eating out.
Are meals included in my tuition?
Meals are not included in the tution fee, but your place of residence will be within walking distance of both grocery shopping and restaurants.
Am I ready for SOA?
SOA accepts musicians at many stages of development. We do not expect ‘finished products’. We have undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate applicants. We accept musicians that demonstrate developing vocal technique, positive work ethic and potential. Our primary goal is to help each in their own journey to an operatic career by giving them the necessary tools to succeed.